Meet Our Pastor

Danny Ray Hardin
Welcome to the website of Mount Holston Baptist Church. I have been the pastor of the church since May of 2013. I grew up in the church at Mount Holston as a child and moved to North Carolina at the age of 22 and spent 40 years in Western North Carolina. My wife, Sharon Burleson Hardin, and I met in December 1972 and were married 8 months later. She has truly been a pastors wife and a prayer warrior in our ministry. We have to children, Jennifer and Robert, our daughter-in-law Yvonne and three precious granddaughters. God has blessed the Mount Holston Baptist Church over the years. We are a sovereign grace baptist church believing that salvation is by the grace of God and we have done nothing to deserve his grace. If you are looking for a church that is friendly, bible believing, and has a desire to serve God you should visit with us. We believe in teaching and preaching the word of God without compromise. All of our services are centered around the word of God and singing his praises. We give God the glory for all that he has done.
" For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God:not of works, lest any man should boast." Ephesians 2:8-9